1. What was the most expensive book you have ever bought/what is the least expensive book you have ever bought?
The most expensive book I have ever bought was Dan Brown's "Inferno" which I paid $15 for. Usually, I never let my habit be more than $2.99 per book. The least expensive book I have ever bought was MOST of my collection of E-books for $.99 a piece. But, I have paid less for my kids book at $.25 per book.
2. Which author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
My love/hate relationship is with Laurell K. Hamilton. I was totally IN LOVE with the Anita Blake series until about book 9 or 10 when everything went totally south. Then, all of a sudden, she starts writing good novels again. I have heard that her newest book, "Shutdown" is pretty good. But, I just can't get myself to get through the books to get that far. Isn't that horrible? I love her for her writing and hate her for it at the same time.
3. What book have you deliciously devoured over and over again, with no remorse whatsoever?
The book for me would be Scarlett Dawn's "King Hall". I absolutely love the characters in this book and the world the author created. The book moved so smoothly and seamlessly and I can't get enough! I can't wait for her new book, "King Cave", to come out so I can review it and find out what happens next. Scarlett knows how to do a cliffhanger and it has a fantastic one!!
4. What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?
I don't really neglect books. Most of the time, life just gets in the way and I can't find the time to sit down and read. Not, I am not saying I haven't stopped reading books and never got back to them, but it definitely wasn't due to laziness. It was simply boredom.
5. What book do you most talk about in order to sound like a very intellectual reader?
I don't. I mostly read paranormal books and fantasy so I can't say that is very intellectual! LOL. But, I know I do sit down and have conversations with my bookie friends and they all talk about all these well-rounded books and I just can't get a grasp on them. They bore me to death and if I have to read those kind of books to sound "intellectual", I will pass.
6. What attributes do you find most attractive in male or female characters?
In female characters, I like them to be strong and outspoken. I don't like the damsel in distress characters because they don't bring anything to the story. All they do is hold the hero back. In male characters, I like them to have good heads on their shoulders and be problem solvers. I don't like male characters that rely on the female heroin to make it through the book.
7. What books would you most like to receive as gifts?
I like paranormal books. I don't mind romances, but I can only take about one of those a year. But, anything paranormal will have me glued to the book until the end. Nothing like some vampires, werewolves, and witches to get the blood moving!!
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