The fourth installment of the Bold as Love series begins where Whatever It Takes ends. Battles are arising for Emily and Jake individually and together as a couple. It's time for these two to grow up and deal with their demons.
Emily will face her mother one last time and Jake's dream of playing in the NHL is within his grasp. It's essential that this couple stand united while traveling the roads together when one day alters their future forever.
After all, making a dream come true requires hard work and sacrifices.
July 22, 2013
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Lindsay Paige is a romance author from North Carolina. She has published three books in her Bold as Love series and a YA titled Don't Panic.
She loves to play tennis and watch hockey, especially the Pittsburgh Penguins. When not writing, she is focused on completing college.
Lindsay Paige is inspired by world around her and the people in it. Many of the aspects in her stories stem from her struggles in life and with anxiety, as evident in Don't Panic.
She is currently working on numerous works and preparing the fourth installment of her series for publication.
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