Talk About Your Blogging Quirks
Well...I don't have many.
One of my quirks is that I have to have everything in the same order each and every time. Maybe that is my organizational OCD, but this is true.
Also, I have to use my pics for my headings. I hate using just words or whatever. I like to add the pics because it is less work. LOL.
Also, I have to have my links as pics and then linked to the website. I hate just copying and pasting a link because to me it seems lazy. So, I downloaded the logo pics and made them smaller and I link them. To me it just looks better.
Like I said, I don't really have many. I like everything to be in the same order and to have conformity every time. I think this may be my OCD but looks good. :)
My quirk. I have to have a picture or I won't blog. I do a lot of personal posts too, mine is more a personal blog with reviews thrown in between and someone made a crack about my blog being boring a long time ago, They said there was no pictures, so now I won't blog at all if I don't have a picture to go with it. I'll even draw one if I don't have something to go with my story. :)